Thursday, 9 December 2010

Resume do's and don'ts

Here are some dos and don’ts resume tips that can help you avoid common mistakes while building a stronger, more refined resume (and cover letter).

12 resume do’s tips

1. Make sure your resume is easy to read. Remember, it’s a summary, not an autobiography.

2. Keep the overall length of your resume short.

3. Stress your past accomplishments and the skills you used to get the desired results.

4. Focus on information that’s relevant to your own career goals.

5. Place your strongest material in the two-inch visual space that begins about 2 5/8 inches from the top of your resume.

6. Give the most weight to your most recent (past ten to fifteen years) professional position.

7. Quantify your impact on the organizations you have worked for.

8. Pay as much attention to your resume’s design as you do to its content.

9. Place your education after your experience if you’ve been in the workforce for more than five years.

10. Use a two-page resume if appropriate.

Continue reading at: Resume do's and don'ts

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